For Ever West
Price per person from 2.758 €

For Ever West

2.758 €
Price per person
2.758 €
price per person


Questo tour offre un'immersione totale nella costa occidentale degli Stati Uniti, a partire dalla città iconica di Los Angeles, dove esplorerai quartieri emblematici come Hollywood, Beverly Hills e Rodeo Drive. Da qui, il viaggio ti porterà attraverso paesaggi urbani e costieri, con la possibilità di goderti destinazioni uniche come Santa Monica e Venice Beach.

L'avventura prosegue verso i magnifici parchi nazionali del sud-ovest, come il Parco Nazionale di Joshua Tree, il Grand Canyon e la Monument Valley, dove potrai ammirare spettacolari formazioni rocciose e paesaggi desertici. Queste visite offrono un'opportunità unica per conoscere la bellezza naturale e la fauna della regione, oltre a esplorare aree di grande significato culturale e cinematografico.

Il tour culmina in città vibranti come Las Vegas e San Francisco, dove potrai vivere l'energia del deserto del Nevada e l'eleganza della baia di San Francisco. Lungo il percorso, visiterai luoghi iconici come la Death Valley, il Parco Nazionale di Yosemite e il famoso Golden Gate Bridge, prima di concludere il viaggio con un'esperienza indimenticabile in una delle città più emblematiche del mondo.


Day 1: Los Angeles CA
Day 2: Los Angeles CA
Day 3: Los Angeles CA, Laughlin NV
Day 4: Laughlin NV, Cameron AZ
Day 5: Cameron AZ, Moab UT
Day 6: Moab UT, Bryce Canyon National Park UT
Day 7: Bryce Canyon National Park UT, Las Vegas NV
Day 8: Las Vegas NV, Bakersfield CA
Day 9: Bakersfield CA, Modesto CA
Day 10: Modesto CA, San Francisco CA
Day 11: San Francisco CA
  • Trasferimento aeroporto/hotel e hotel/aeroporto nel primo e nell’ultimo giorno di tour
  • Il viaggio in pullman moderno, comodo, e climatizzato (trasferimenti da e per l’aeroporto esclusivamente se effettuati il primo e l’ultimo giorno del tour), con autista e guida parlante italiano OPPURE con mini bus con guida/autista parlante italiano per gruppi più piccoli,
  • Servizi di una guida parlante italiano durante tutto il tour,
  • Pernottamento in camera doppia
  • 7 cene & 1 pranzo (le cene nei giorni 1, 2 e 7 non sono incluse),
  • Colazione Americana o deluxe continental (Note: in some hotels, breakfasts may be served in individual “take away” boxes)
  • L'ingresso ai parchi e siti seguenti: Joshua Tree; Grand Canyon; Antelope Canyon; Monument Valley; Dead Horse Point; Arches; Bryce Canyon; Valley of Fire; Death Valley; Yosemite
  • Tasse, servizio e mance (tranne che per l’autista e per la guida).
  • Assicurazione medica, bagaglio ed annullamento

  • Il trasporto aereo
  • Pranzi (nessun pasto il primo e l’ultimo giorno del tour),
  • Mance per le guide e per gli autisti (é consuetudine negli USA dare da $4 al giorno a persona per gli autisti e da $5 al giorno a persona per le guide)
  • Spese personali
  • Escursioni facoltative: Visita dettagliata di Los Angeles, Grand Canyon Volo in elicottero (1h); Monument Valley Navajo Jeep tour; Las Vegas by night (3-4h),
  • tutto quanto non espressamente indicato alla voce "la quota comprende"

Possible accommodations

9 accommodations


Does not include:

* Tips.

* Personal expenses.

* No other services not specified in the previous section.

* We inform you that in some countries there is a local tax known as "stay tax", "municipal tax", "tourist tax" (or similar denomination) that is not included in the price of the reservation and must be paid directly by each guest at the corresponding establishment and / or airport. Keep in mind that these taxes can change over time, therefore, it is necessary to check if the country of destination charges this type of tax and the current amount to be paid.

Very important:

* This document, obtained by the User through Compositor Panavisión Tours, does not constitute a confirmation of reservation or a firm reservation of any of the travel services described therein. Such confirmation will only be obtained when Panavisión Tours receives the total price of the reservation through the retail agency selected by the User among those associated with Compositor Panavisión.

* The booking of tourist services and product purchases contained in this document will be governed by the specific contractual conditions with which they have been offered and by the General Conditions applicable to travel services and products sold by Panavisión Tours that are published on this website, a copy of which is attached to this document.

* The confirmation of the reservation obtained by the User through the Composer Panavisión Tours or is also subject to availability at the time the User makes his payment for places in the means of transport, accommodation , or any type of service selected within the tariff selected or used for the offer.

* The final price obtained in the document generated through Compositor Panavisión Tours or may be subject to change at the time of requesting and confirming the reservation as a result of the companies' dynamic pricing policy aerial.

* Likewise, the final price is always conditioned to currency fluctuation, fuel price, taxes and tourist surcharges for airports, accommodation, airline tickets, maintenance services, visas and in general all those that apply to the services included in the travel, which may justify a price change, even after the reservation is confirmed under the terms and limits set by law.

* Confirmed the reservation, cancellation fees will be applied to those services that have previously been indicated in the reservation process, which are "Non-Refundable".

* This trip may not be suitable for people with reduced mobility. Check with your agency about its suitability based on your personal needs.

* We inform you that in some countries there is a local tax known as "stay tax", "municipal tax", "tourist tax" (or similar denomination) that is not included in the price of the reservation and must be paid directly by each guest at the corresponding establishment and / or airport. Keep in mind that these taxes can change over time, therefore, it is necessary to check if the country of destination charges this type of tax and the current amount to be paid.

* Group reservations are considered to be those reservations or blocks made by the agency of 5 rooms or more under the same or several locators with the same creation date, or made on different dates and the dates of stay of the reservations coincide on several of the days or at all. Therefore, in these situations, the wholesaler reserves the right not to accept said reservations, having to confirm the price and availability of said places expressly by it and after the quotation of places and prices through the department of groups.

* In the case of making the reservation, the rates do not allow modifications. You must cancel and make a new reservation. Cancellation expenses according to rate conditions.


With regard to our inclusion insurance, said insurance exclusively includes those people who have their residence and origin of the trip in Spain or Portugal.

CHAPTER I (Obligations of information and content of the combined travel contract), Article 153 (Pre-contractual information), point 1, section H:

"1. Before the traveler is bound by any package travel contract or corresponding offer, the organizer, and also the retailer, when the package is sold through the latter, will provide the traveler with the form with the standard information regarding to the package trip that appears in annex II, A or B, as well as the following information that is applicable to the package trip:

"h) Information on the subscription of an optional insurance that covers the expenses originated in the event that the traveler decides to terminate the contract or the expenses of assistance, including those of repatriation, in case of accident, illness or death."

Said section refers to the obligation to inform the client of the possibility of contracting insurance, not to the obligation to include insurance on the trip, that is, the client has the power (option) to contract insurance with the agency or not. . The agency has the obligation to inform that it is recommended that the client take out insurance that includes, at least, issues such as repatriation,... which is basically inclusion insurance.

Once the agency informs the client about the recommendation to contract insurance for the trip, it is the client who can contract insurance with the agency, or contract it directly with whoever they want.